Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back home again in Indiana

People say you can't go home. I kind of feel that way myself sometimes, like this really isn't my home anymore. There are so many people that I don't recognize. I'm learning to adapt to life back here in the Hoosier state. I have old friends who are lifesavers.

So here I sit reworking this forgotten blog, while thinking about when to start dinner for my family. I never thought that I would be back here in this position... It's like two steps forward three giant leaps back... Oh the diet... well still on the stress diet, which precludes food from being my friend in any shape way form or fashion... Yuckers.. and I only weight 5 more pounds than I did in high school at this moment in time.

I think, well I know that I will be OK in time. I still am enjoying my chocolate, little bitter sweet but seriously nice. I needed nice for a change. Blissful normalcy for a few mins is awesome to endure... I'm happy with that. I'm still happy with me... I have made mistakes, and probably will continue to do so in my life, but for the most part I am greatful for my loved ones.