Monday, July 4, 2011

DAY ONE FLUORIDE SCARE "aka Pandora is out of the Box"

Most of the people who know and love me, realize that I'm one quirky gal. By this I mean, I like routine. If it gets messed up even by a little tiny bit, I tend to get my butt in a knot and flip out a little. I love Diet Soda... love love love it to the point that most of the time I think I would be willing to trade my most prized possessions, my boys, for a sip of Diet Dr. Pepper. Ok, so maybe I love my children a little more than that, but you get the drift! So the following is a story about the loss of love, and potential sanity due to Fluoride...
Sitting at work reading a health magazine, I ran across an article about Fluoride toxicity. The main point of this particular article was leaning toward the fact that it can disrupt the thyroid. Hummm, I thought to myself, perhaps that warrants a little more looking into. Since I wrote last I have immersed myself in work, back here in good old Southern Indiana. Two jobs, two dogs, two sons, and one incredibly handsome boyfriend keep me pretty busy. But today is special, it's a holiday. I have a whole day off... this does not mean I haven't been working around my neglected house.. I have! But I could read more about Fluoride on the Internet...
As I read article after article, something happened I got angry... I woke up pretty happy this morning. I got to sleep in cuddled up next to Mr. Hottie (he even asked me what I wanted for breakfast). I was gathering thoughts about what to do for the day, and then Fluoride stopped me in my tracks... This stuff is a poison??? I always thought I was smart, how in the heck did I not know this? With every new website my flame went up higher and higher, to the point of marching into the living room and telling Marc.. OK gotta go to the grocery!
Off to the store we go, I'm armed with a heck of a lot of knowledge by this time about which water is OK which water isn't.. He appropriately dresses the part of grocery warrior, and looks like Crocodile Dundee sans machete, since that length of blade is illegal in most stores. I'm walking through the grocery intent on banning fluoride from our household, or at least as much as possible. No more soda for us, and no more tap water... This leads to buying a lot of water at the store...
So now it is late, I have given up on my love Mr. Diet Dr. Pepper, and am settling for a new one... This is my latest experiment in doing things to help the family feel better overall... Time will tell how it goes... and if I notice any improvement in my RA... hopefully so.. Gotta go to bed now, as tomorrow is another day, but not an official holiday.

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