Saturday, January 16, 2010

Counting down till the beginning.

I am Blogging now, wow. I have never been good at keeping journals, but I have committed myself to this. I need to become healthy. No not just externally healthy, but internally also. I have had many setbacks in life, "Who hasn't?" Good question really who hasn't had setbacks, little rocks in the path that you stumble across, and scrape your knee. My setbacks have not only been of the knee scraping variety, but full fledged emergency room trips.

I do not, repeat that do not feel sorry for myself. Adversity has given me a unique perspective, I see things in many different facets. I can be bitchy, as well as soft, and an lovely. This is my journey to happiness. If you choose to read these words, then fabulous. Perhaps you can relate to me, my life, my little spiritual journey to Nirvana?

I have recently began a pretty interesting exercise program with my friend Brandi. I have noticed that instead of losing weight that the scale is inching upwards. I feel healthier for it though, and am having a blast. I am tracking my cardio, and strength training. It again is fun to do something different.

Tomorrow I am starting the South Beach Diet as an experiment for my health, as well as getting back to meditation. Perhaps I can turn some negatives into some fantastic positives

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